Director's Message

Dear Friends,

              Strong integrity and values that foster the vision and foresight for the future are imperatives for embarking on a journey of achievements for any organisation. We, at Starline Auto Industries, have endeavoured to be one of the most competitive company in the industry with strong emphasis on efficiency in operation, customer reliability and state-of-the-art engineering and designing.

            The winds of change are intense and the world is looking at us with anticipation and hope. We are gearing up for the future by establishing the key success factors which are necessary to not only withstand the change but to also make optimum use of it. A globally competent and skilled workforce combined with the state-of- the-art infrastructure is our strength and we aim to leverage it further to attain inorganic growth. We have always focussed on providing holistic solutions to our customers and catering towards society at large and not just our base line. Giving back to the society and assisting in nation building is of utmost importance to us.

              With great gratitude I thank those whose unabated support and trust has enabled Starline Auto Industries to reach the pinnacle where we stand today. Our employees deserve special thanks for the confidence and conviction they have maintained in Starline Auto Industries all throughout.


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